You can refer to this glossary for definitions and helpful information pertaining to terms presented in this manual.
Attribute that indicates the relationship that exists between record-types.
Is an extension of Master File syntax designed specifically for the peculiarities of the IDMS DBMS. The Access File provides information to map DML record-types and LRF-based records, including record and area names and, where needed, set or field name information.
The data set name of the Access File PDS onto which the new member will be generated.
Indicate the IDMS record information and parent/descendant relationship for each network record-type or LRF record described as a segment in a Master File.
The ALIAS attribute specifies an alternative name for FIELDNAME. An alias may be to up 12 characters in length and must be unique.
Automatic System Facility. This facility generates subschemas and navigational paths based on the user’s menu selection.
Process that uses a series of Dialogue Manager FOCEXECs and standard TABLE requests to automatically create Master and Access Files for network record-types.
Two record types linked by more than one set.
A record-type that is a member of two or more sets.
A record-type that is the owner of two or more sets.
Attribute that is specified only for segments that are described remotely in another Master File.
Central Version.
Database Administrator.
Database Management System.
The DBNAME attribute supports multiple database access. It can be used in local or Central Version mode to translate the subschema name into the proper load modules for data access.
Distributed Database Systems.
Supports secondary dictionaries in DDS environments.
Device Media Control Language.
Data Manipulation Language. DML access is the traditional method of IDMS database navigation. It is the network navigation facility.
IDMS representation of record-types and set relationships within a database.
The GETOWN attribute allows or inhibits GET OWNER calls which obtain the owner records from a member record-type.
The GROUP attribute identifies a set of fields following it with a single name. This GROUP name is any unique name up to 12 characters in length.
Integrated Data Dictionary.
Integrated Database Management System.
Using embedded cross-references, the field in the descendant segment represents an index on the IDMS record-type. The adapter uses the value from the parent segment and performs entry-level IDMS retrieval by “walking” the index set.
Provide information about each IDMS index.
A method of indexing where the database management system handles all index access and maintenance.
The KL segment type is used when several Master Files are constructed for the same IDMS subschema. It is used if the underlying segment is non-unique (S).
The KLU segment type is used when several Master Files are constructed for the same IDMS subschema. It is used if underlying segment is unique (U).
Implement complicated relationships among record-types.
Logical Records.
Logical Records Facility. LRF access is the “relational-like” method of access. LRF provides software to dynamically create “flat” records from one or more network record-types at run time.
Contains attributes in comma-delimited format that define the field name for IDMS fields and segment relationships.
The name of the Master File to be generated; up to eight characters in length.
The data set name of the Master File PDS onto which the new member will be generated.
The user ID to be created on the Master and Access File partitioned data sets. Up to eight characters in length.
A set that contains more than one member record-type.
The NODE attribute supports IDMS Distributed Database Systems. The value for NODE is the IDMS data dictionary table entry that identifies the DDS node location of an IDMS distributed database.
The ORDER attribute creates a fictitious count field that may be decoded.
Partitioned data sets.
The POSITION attribute directs FOCUS to OCCURS segments when non-repeating fields exist between repeating fields.
Specifies when an LRF record is built from two or more physical record-types located in several databases.
A method of index retrieval that does not require selection criteria and yet prohibits area sweeps on entry segments.
The segment name may be a maximum of eight characters and must be unique within a given Master File.
Attribute that indicates whether a segment occurs once or many times.
Implements a one-to-many relationship between record-types. The FOCUS equivalent of a set is the parent/descendant relationship between segments.
The SETMBR attribute specifies whether set membership is mandatory/automatic, mandatory/manual, optional/automatic, or optional/manual.
A set relationship that corresponds to a parent/descendant relationship.
Identify the subschema used, the IDMS release under which the subschema was compiled, the calling mode to be used to retrieve records, and whether a trace is produced.
IDMS subschema used to create the Master and Access Files. Up to eight characters in length.
System editor.
Specifies whether a basic trace of all IDMS calls or a detailed list of all the parameters passed to IDMS will be displayed. The default is set for no trace.
Time Sharing Option.
Universal Communications Facility.
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