Interface error messages are stored in highlvl.ADABAS.DATA(FOCADA) for MVS, and in FOCADA ERRORS for CMS.
Issuing a ? n query (where n is the message number) at the FOCUS command level displays a detailed explanation of the message. For example, if you receive the message
you can enter
? 4453
to get this explanation:
The Access File record for the entry segment does not specify ACCESS=ADBS. The access mode for the top segment cannot be 'PE' or 'MU'.
A complete list of the Interface error and warning messages and their detailed explanations follows. Digits preceded by a percent sign (for example, %1) are placeholders for context-sensitive items, such as filenames and fieldnames. FOCUS replaces each placeholder with the name of the relevant object when it displays the message.
On TSO, the Access File is a member of a partitioned dataset allocated with ddname 'FOCADBS'. The member name sought must correspond to the FOCUS name of the ADABAS database (for example, if the Master File PDS has the name 'CAR', then the Access File must have a member name of 'CAR').
PROBABLE ERROR: Ddname 'FOCADBS' is not allocated. If it is allocated, the DSN parameter may be pointing to the wrong PDS, the member name may be misspelled in the Master File, or the member itself is missing.
On CMS, the Access File must have filetype 'FOCADBS' and can be located on any accessed disk. The filename of the Access File must correspond to the FOCUS name of the ADABAS database (for example, if the Master File contains 'FILE=EMP', the Access File must be named 'EMPFOCADBS xx' where xx is any accessed disk.)
PROBABLE ERROR: The filename is misspelled or the file is located on an unaccessed disk.
On TSO, the error is probably caused by allocating DDNAME 'FOCADBS' to a sequential dataset rather than a partitioned dataset (PDS).
On CMS, the error represents a genuine I/O error.
In both environments, the Access File format is fixed blocked with an 80 character record length. Access File records are not line numbered.
The Access File record for the entry segment does not specify ACCESS=ADBS. The access mode for the top segment cannot be 'PE' or 'MU'.
The segment specified is a periodic group (PE) or multi-value field (MU) as specified in the Access File. The Master File contains the OCCURS parameter, but the value specified is a numeric constant. The value for the OCCURS parameter for ADABAS PE and MU segments must be a field defined in the parent segment with USAGE=I4 and ACTUAL=I1.
In the Master File, the KEYFLD on the parent segment has a different USAGE type from the ACTUAL format type of the corresponding index field on the descendent segment. They must have comparable format types.
In the Master File the USAGE format specified is not compatible with the ACTUAL format shown there.
In the Access File, the access type specified for a segment is ADBS, but no KEYFLD value is specified.
The value indicated is specified for an IXFLD parameter in the Access File. It is a valid Master File field, but it is not specified with the INDEX=I parameter. The field must be an ADABAS descriptor, subdescriptor, or superdescriptor, and must be defined with INDEX=I.
The value specified as the ACCESS method for the indicated segment is not ADBS, PE, or MU. The value is missing or misspelled.
The value indicated is specified for an IXFLD parameter in the Access File, but this field is not located in that segment as specified in the Master File. Either the IXFLD value is not correct in the Access File or the field was erroneously placed in another segment.
The value specified in the Access File for the KEYFLD of a segment was the fieldname indicated in the message, but the field is not a fieldname in the Master File. Be sure not to use the ALIAS name as the value for the KEYFLD.
The value indicated is specified as the KEYFLD value in the Access File for the SEGNAM indicated, but this field is not located in that segment in the Master File. Either the IXFLD value is incorrect in the Access File or the segment specified as the PARENT is incorrect in the Master File.
The value specified for the file number on the segment specified is incorrect. It must be a numeric value from 1 - 256.
The total length of the search buffer cannot exceed 4096. Use fewer IF statements or place IF selection on DEFINEd fields.
In the Master File, the length specified as the USAGE length for the field specified is not large enough to accommodate the values returned based on the ACTUAL field length specification.
The field indicated is specified as the cross-referenced field in the JOIN command. It is a valid Master File field, but it is not specified with the INDEX=I parameter. The field must be an ADABAS descriptor, subdescriptor, or superdescriptor.
The field indicated is defined with TYPE=NOP. It was used in the table request with a screening condition that is not supported for TYPE=NOP fields. The supported relational operators for such fields are: EQ (or IS), GT, LT, GE, LE, and FROM-TO.
The field indicated is defined with TYPE=NOP and has no ALIAS. It was used in a screening condition in the table request. An ALIAS must be supplied so that the ADABAS Interface can use TYPE=NOP fields as part of the selection criteria for ADABAS records.
The Access File contains two SEGNAM statement lines for the same Master File segment. There is a duplicate SEGNAM for a single Master File segment or the SEGNAME value for another segment erroneously refers to this segment.
The RELEASE parameter was specified with no value assigned to it. The release level of the ADABAS software must be specified.
A value specified for the file number on a segment in the Access File is incorrect. It must be a numeric value from 1 - 256. This message is returned when the segment statement in the Access File is specified without keywords.
The fieldname specified as the SEQFIELD in the Access File does not exist in the Master File or is not defined with the INDEX=I keyword.
The amount of storage available is insufficient to run the ADABAS Interface request.
The relationship between the two segments indicated is not possible within an ADABAS file: either the parent segment was defined as an MU segment and the descendent as an MU or PE, or the parent and descendent were both defined as PE. These are illegal from the ADABAS point of view.
The indicated field was defined in the Master File without an ALIAS. For FIELDS which are not part of a GROUP, the ALIAS must always be specified; it must be the two-character ADABAS fieldname.
The field indicated in the error is part of the indicated group. Neither the field nor the group was specified in the Master File with an ALIAS. For group fields, the ALIAS must be specified for the group or all the fields within the group.
The ACTUAL format length is larger than the USAGE format length.
On the ADABAS Interface call to release the Command ID, an error was returned from ADABAS. The response code appears at the right. See the Software/AG Command Reference Manual for a description of the response code.
On an ADABAS Interface FIND call to retrieve records, an error was returned from ADABAS. The response code appears at the right. See the Software/AG Command Reference Manual for a description of the response code.
On an ADABAS Interface OPEN call, an error was returned from ADABAS. The response code appears at the right. See the Software/AG Command Reference Manual for a description of the response code.
On the ADABAS Interface Read Physical call to retrieve records, an error was returned from ADABAS. The response code appears at the right. See the Software/AG Command Reference Manual for a description of the response code.
On the ADABAS Interface CLOSE call, an error was returned from ADABAS. The response appears at the right. See the Software/AG Command Reference Manual for a description of the response code.
On the ADABAS Interface Read ISN call to retrieve records, an error was returned from ADABAS. The response code appears at the right. See the Software/AG Command Reference Manual for a description of the response code.
The ADABAS Interface was unable to load an external module, most likely ADAUSER in MVS or ADABAS in VM. The program that the ADABAS Interface was attempting to load when the error occurred appears at the right.
The CALLTYPE keyword in the Access File was specified on the named segment, but its value was not FIND or RL.
On an ADABAS Interface Read Logical call to retrieve records, an error was returned from ADABAS. The response code appears at the right. See the Software/AG Command Reference Manual for a description of the response code.
On an ADABAS Interface Read ISN call to retrieve records, an error was returned from ADABAS. The response code appears at the right. See the Software/AG Command Reference Manual for a description of the response code.
The segment indicated in the error was specified in the Master File but has no corresponding SEGNAM statement in the Access File. The SEGNAM statement for this segment is missing or misspelled in the Access File.
The RELEASE parameter was not specified in the Access File or was misspelled. Other Access File errors can force this error message if the Access File is read beyond end-of-file.
The keyword on the indicated line in the Access File was misspelled or is not a valid keyword for the Access File statement.
The value indicated was specified for a keyword on the indicated line number in the Access File. The length of this value exceeds the maximum allowed for that keyword.
The line number specified in the Access File contains two values for the same keyword the second value of which is displayed with the error message.
The line number specified in the Access File does not begin with SEGNAM= or RELEASE=. These parameters must be explicitly specified along with their values.
An Access File with the values defined positionally has too few values.
The line number indicated in the Access File contains a value for a keyword that has a single quote ('). Either the beginning or ending quote is missing or a quote was erroneously placed in the value of a keyfield.
The line number indicated in the Access File contains keyword values specified positionally (without the keywords themselves). Too many such values were specified for this segment.
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