Overview of Master and Access Files

The FOCUS processes a report request with the following steps:

  1. It locates the Master File for the Adabas file. The file name in the report request is the same as the z/OS PDS member name.
  2. It detects the SUFFIX attribute, ADBSINX, in the Master File. Since this value indicates that the data resides in an Adabas file, it passes control to the adapter.
  3. The adapter locates the corresponding Access File and uses the information contained in both the Master and Access Files to generate the Adabas direct calls required by the report request. It passes these direct calls to the Adabas DBMS.
  4. The adapter retrieves the data generated by the Adabas DBMS and returns control to the server. For some operations, the server may perform additional processing on the returned data.

Information Builders