Problems Corrected in FOCUS 7709 Gen 1558

In this section:

The following problems were corrected in gen 1558.

QUALTITLES ON With HOLD on Joined Files Loses Field Names

Category: Reporting

Case Number: 191121150


Using SET QUALTITILES ON with a request on a joined structure that joins two fields in file1 to two fields in file2 causes the name of the second join field to be placed in the HOLD Master as the file name not the field name. As a result, any request on the HOLD file referencing the corrupted field name causes the request to fail with the following message:

FOC003 The fieldname is not recognized: fieldname

This has been corrected in FOCUS 7709 Gen 1558.

Support IBM EAV Storage With FOCUS I/O

Category: System

Case Number: 200211117, 190411117


FOCUS I/O has been upgraded to support IBM EAV (Extended Access Volume) Storage above 64K cylinders as of FOCUS 7709 Gen 1558.

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