Problems Corrected in FOCUS 7709 Gen 1548

In this section:

The following problems were corrected in gen 1548.

Multi-Verb Request With RECOMPUTE/SUMMARIZE on an ACROSS Field Produces Incorrect Output

Category: Multi-verb request

Case: 190725055.


When a multi-verb request had an ACROSS sort field with a RECOMPUTE or SUMMARIZE command, the last ACROSS column was displaying incorrect data.

This has been corrected in FOCUS 7709 Gen 1548.

External Index and Internal Index on the Same Field Crashes FOCUS

Category: Index

Case: 190712131.


An external index on a field included in a USE command and an index in the Master File on the same field causes an abend when the field is used in a request.

This has been corrected to make the external index take precedence in FOCUS 7709 Gen 1548.

Information Builders