The following commands apply to describing data.
Tests a Master File for common errors, diagrams the segments and relationships, and holds information from the Master File as a data file that you can query with the reporting language.
Creates a new FOCUS or relational data source or erases data in an existing data source.
Decodes an encoded Master File or FOCEXEC.
Creates temporary fields from expressions that use constants, mathematical and logical operators, and other real or temporary fields.
Encodes a Master File or FOCEXEC.
Joins two data sources using one or more fields with common data or a test condition.
Is a CRTFORM field attribute that you can use to suppress password display.
Applies a new or changed DBA password to a data file.
Enables FOCUS to manage extra-long records.
Sets a password for the FOCUS session.
Sets a user password.
Specifies the name and/or location of FOCUS data sources.