Relating Multiple Groups of Fields

In this section:

After you have described a segment, you can relate segments to each other to build more sophisticated data structures. You can:

To describe a data structure containing several segments, whether it is a multisegment data source or several data sources that have been joined together, you should be aware of the following:

Facilities for Specifying a Segment Relationship

There are several facilities for specifying relationships between segments. The use of a Master and Access File to specify a relationship is documented in this chapter. The JOIN command, which joins segments into a structure from which you can report, is described in the Creating Reports manual.

A related facility, the MATCH FILE command, enables many types of relationships by first describing a relationship as a series of extraction and merging conditions, then merging the related data into a new single segment data source. The result is not a joined structure, but an entirely new data source that can be further processed. The original data sources remain unchanged. The MATCH FILE command is documented in the Creating Reports manual.

Identifying a Parent Segment: PARENT

How to:

The PARENT attribute identifies a parent segment. Specify the PARENT attribute in the segment declaration of the Master File. Because a root segment has no parent, you do not specify the PARENT segment when declaring a root.

A parent segment must be declared in the Master File before any of its child segments.

If the parent-child relationship is permanently implemented within the structure of the data source, such as within a FOCUS data source, then you cannot change the PARENT attribute without changing the underlying structure of the data source. However, if the parent-child relationship is temporary, as it is when you join several relational tables in the Master File, then you can change the PARENT attribute.

Syntax: How to Identify the Parent Segment

PARENT = segment_name



If no PARENT attribute is specified in a Master File, then, by default, each segment takes the preceding segment in the Master File as its parent. If a PARENT attribute is specified, then all segments that follow will take that segment as their parent, unless explicitly specified.

It is recommended that you use the PARENT attribute for unique segments with a SEGTYPE of U.

Example: Identifying a Parent Segment

In the EMPLOYEE data source, SALINFO is the parent of DEDUCT, so the segment declaration for DEDUCT includes the following attribute:


Identifying the Type of Relationship: SEGTYPE

The SEGTYPE attribute specifies the type of relationship that a segment has to its parent. SEGTYPE is part of the segment declaration and is used differently in various types of data sources. For sequential, VSAM, and ISAM data sources, see Describing a Sequential, VSAM, or ISAM Data Source. For FOCUS data sources, see Describing a FOCUS Data Source. For other types of data sources, see the appropriate data adapter documentation for details.

Understanding the Efficiency of the Minimum Referenced Subtree

In any database structure consisting of more than a single table or segment, FOCUS handles retrieval by only accessing data from the minimum referenced subtree, which is a subset of the full database structure. A minimum referenced subtree consists of only those segments containing referenced fields, and any intervening segments needed to make a complete structure.

Consider the following database structure consisting of three segments, A, B, and C, with A being the parent of B, and B the parent of C. Segment A is also known as the root segment. This structure may be three different joined tables, or a single, multisegment structure.

If a database request references fields contained only in segment A, then only data in segment A is retrieved. Likewise, if fields from segments A and B are requested, only segments A and B are retrieved. No additional retrieval costs are incurred, as would occur if all three segments were retrieved for each request.

For joined structures, there is an implicit reference to the root segment, which is always retrieved in a database request. If a request involving a joined structure references fields from segment B only, both segments A and B are retrieved since the root segment (A) is implied to link segment B. Additionally, if fields from segment C only are referenced, all three segments are retrieved since segments A and B are implied to link segment C. The retrieval costs are higher when intervening segments are retrieved for a request.

For multisegment structures, which are defined in the same Master File, there is no implied reference to the root segment. If a request involving this type of structure references fields from one segment only, such as segment C, then one segment only, segment C, is retrieved. However, if fields from segments A and C are referenced, then all three segments are retrieved since segment B is an intervening segment required to make a complete structure. When all possible database relations are described in a single Master File, you can eliminate the costs associated with retrieving non-referenced segments.