Access File Overview

An Access File contains three kinds of declarations:

Subschema declarations identify the subschema used, the IDMS release under which the subschema was compiled, the calling mode to be used to retrieve records, and whether a trace is to be produced. Several subschema declarations can be specified in a single Access File. Each subschema declaration is followed by its segment and index declarations. See Subschema Declaration Attributes for more information.

Access segment declarations indicate the IDMS record information and the parent/descendant relationship for each network record-type or LRF record described as a segment in a Master File. (Access segment declarations are not defined for OCCURS segments.) Segment declarations can be specified in any order after their corresponding subschema declaration. See Segment Attributes for Network Record-Types for more information.

Index declarations provide information about each IDMS index. They may also be specified in any order following their corresponding subschema declarations, one for each indexed field described in the Master File. For further information, see Index Declarations for Network Record-Types.

This chapter contains brief examples of syntax. For more detailed examples, consult Adapter for CA-IDMS Samples.

Information Builders