Optimization of the FIND Call Using Non-descriptor Fields

It is possible to use non-descriptor fields as search criteria and have the calls to ADABAS use the search buffer rather than read through the entire database.

The adapter provides improved optimization by allowing the search buffer to be generated using non-descriptor fields. This optimization occurs whenever CALLTYPE=FIND is specified in the Access File and you include an IF or WHERE test referencing a non-descriptor field in your report request.

It may prove to be more efficient to alter your retrieval strategy and perform a Read Physical call when large amounts of data exist. A SET command is provided for changing the default ADABAS call when selecting non-descriptor fields.

The syntax is




Indicates the MVS operating system.


Causes the search buffer to be generated with any field (non-descriptor and/or descriptor field). ON is the default value.


Causes the search buffer to be generated with only descriptor fields. If the request does not use any descriptor field, the Read Physical call is generated.

This command only applies if CALLTYPE=FIND is specified in the Access File.

Information Builders