You can execute AUTOADBS in the background as a batch job to create a Master File from a single ADABAS record by passing values normally provided on the menus as arguments. The syntax is
EX AUTOADBS BATCH=Y,USER=userid,MASTER=master,FILE_NAME=filename, SEQFIELD=seqfield [,options]
Is the high-level qualifier for output data sets. It is required if target data set names are not provided.
Is the 1- to 8-character name for the file description.
Is the 1- to 32-character ADABAS file name.
Is the field name to be used as the SEQFIELD.
Are provided on the command line by entering the name-value pair and separating them with commas. Options may extend over several lines. User-provided values and default values are echoed after the Master File is generated. Choose one or more of the following:
Indicates whether the adapter constructs Read Logical (RL) or FIND calls for retrieval. The default is RL.
Is the file password. If the password is not provided, it will not be included in the Access File.
Is the database number. If the DBID is not provided, it will not be included in the Access File.
Uses the custom Predict dictionary. It is a site installation option.
Replaces existing Master and Access Files. Default is No (N).
Includes field name comments. Default is Yes (Y).
Uses NATURAL column headings. Default is No (N).
Creates FOCDEF file. Default is No (N).
Is the field name start position. Default is 1.
Is the maximum field length. Default is 36.
Is the date display format. Default is YYMD.
Is used only when SEQFIELD is not known.
Is the Master target PDS. Default is userid.MASTER.DATA.
Is the Access target PDS. Default is userid.FOCADBS.DATA.
Is the FOCDEF target PDS. Default is userid.FOCDEF.DATA.
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