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Window files contain the windows, menus, and related information created by Window Painter. There are three types of window files:
Compiled window files are members of a PDS. Before they can be created by Window Painter or by the WINDOW COMPILE command, a PDS must be created with LRECL 4096 and RECFM FB, and allocated to ddname FMU.
Once the PDS is allocated, Window Painter and the WINDOW COMPILE command will create compiled window files as required. The member name will be the window file name specified in the Window Painter session or the WINDOW COMPILE command.
Note that creating the PDS is not necessary if you are creating window files to be used only in the same FOCUS session. Window Painter will temporarily allocate the PDS.
Window transfer files and window documentation files are both members of the same PDS. Before they can be created by Window Painter, the PDS must be created with LRECL 80 to 132 and RECFM FB, and must be allocated to ddname TRF.
Once the PDS is allocated, Window Painter can create window transfer files and window documentation files as needed, and transfer files can be transferred from FOCUS running in other environments as needed. Note that before transferring a file from another operating environment, you will need to allocate a new member in the TRF PDS for it.
The member name for documentation files will be the window documentation file name specified in the Window Painter session. The member name for transfer files will be the window transfer file name specified in the Window Painter session, or the member name specified in the TSO ALLOCATE or DYNAM ALLOCATE command issued prior to the transfer.
Note: Creating the PDS is not necessary if you are creating window transfer files and documentation files to be used only in the current FOCUS session. Window Painter will temporarily allocate the PDS.
If you need to create both a documentation file and a transfer file for a given compiled window file, be sure to create these two files with different names; otherwise, the newer one will overwrite the older one in the PDS.
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You can use the FOCUS query language to read non-FOCUS data sources. FOCUS can read QSAM, ISAM, VSAM files; IMS, CA-IDMS/DB, ADABAS, MODEL 204, Millennium, DB2, CA-DATACOM/DB, Teradata, and Oracle tables.
The ddname under which you should allocate the non-FOCUS data source depends on the type of data source. You should allocate QSAM, ISAM, and VSAM files to a ddname that corresponds to a member name in the PDS allocated to ddname MASTER. Database files have their own rules governing ddnames.
Except with QSAM files, FOCUS needs an Interface program to read non-FOCUS data sources. To read some IMS, CA-IDMS/DB, and ADABAS database files, you must also allocate all of the files normally used with these data sources.
The Interface runs in 31-bit mode, in order to take advantage of modern operating system architecture. By extension, the Interface also builds 31-bit addresses for VSAM buffers and ACBs.
With AMODE 31, FOCSAM builds ACBs and buffers in 31-bit addresses. 31 is the default.
To determine the addressing mode that is in effect at any time, you can issue the query
which returns the following output:
(FOC1177) SET OPTIONS - : BUFND = n / BUFNI = n / AMODE = n
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When you save a TableTalk session, a command file and a session file are saved. These files are written as follows:
The FOCEXEC and TableTalk session are saved in their respective data sets as the member name you specify in TableTalk.
To save and edit TableTalk sessions, allocate a PDS to the ddname TTEDIT as OLD. An allocation for TTEDIT is not needed if the PDS 'prefix.TTEDIT.DATA' exists. The PDS should have LRECL=80,RECFM=FB.
If you omit the file name, a list of all TTEDIT files will be displayed. Include a file name to edit a particular saved TableTalk session.
To edit saved TableTalk sessions, enter the command
Is the file name you specified in the saved TableTalk session. If you omit the file name, a list of all TTEDIT files will be displayed. Include a file name to edit a particular saved TableTalk session.
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HOLDSTAT files enable you to include FOCUS DBA information and environmental comments in HOLD and PCHOLD Master Files. Member HOLDSTAT in the distributed library 'prefix.ERRORS.DATA' is the default. Alternately, you may create your own HOLDSTAT or another user-specified member in your ERRORS or MASTER PDSs.
The contents of a HOLDSTAT file are automatically included in HOLD and PCHOLD Master Files when the SET HOLDSTAT command is specified to ON or to a member name. For information about the SET HOLDSTAT command, see the Developing Applications manual.
The HOLDSTAT file may exist as a member in the ERRORS or MASTER library:
Is the high-level qualifier used at your site.
Is the member name of your customized HOLDSTAT file.
Note: When FOCUS searches for the HOLDSTAT file, the MASTER ddname takes precedence over the ERRORS ddname.
A HOLDSTAT file may contain environmental comments like a file header, or the FOCUS DBA attribute, or both. The supplied HOLDSTAT member contains the following file header with Dialogue Manager system variables:
$================================================================$ $ HOLD file created on &DATE at &TOD by FOCUS &FOCREL $ $ Database records retrieved= &RECORDS $ $ Records in the HOLD file = &LINES $ $================================================================$
In the HOLD Master File, the comments appear after the FILE and SUFFIX attributes and the DBA information is appended to the end.
If you create your own HOLDSTAT file, consider the following rules:
$BOTTOM END DBA=password,$
You may include other DBA attributes such as USER, ACCESS, RESTRICT, NAME, and VALUE. For information about the DBA attributes, see the Describing Data manual.
All of a Maintain procedure's Winforms are contained in a member of one or more partitioned data sets allocated to ddname WINFORMS. A Maintain procedure's WINFORMS and FOCEXEC files must have the same member name. The maximum LRECL for a fixed length file is 32760. The record format must be fixed. TED can work with files with an LRECL up to 32760. When FOCUS needs to access a WINFORMS file, it searches for the ddname WINFORMS. If FOCUS finds that ddname WINFORMS is not allocated, it generates an error message when MPAINT attempts to save the file.
Users create and edit Winforms using the Winform Painter. Users should make changes to WINFORMS files using the Painter only, and not attempt to edit them directly. All changes made outside the Painter are lost the next time the file is edited in the Painter.
Information Builders |