FSCAN has a HELP facility. To use HELP, enter the command
or press the PF1 or PF13 key. HELP displays a summary of FSCAN commands and prefix area commands, as shown in the sample screen below:
FSCAN FILE CAR FOCUS A HELP SCREEN 2 of 3 FSCAN COMMANDS = - Re-execute the most recent command line. ? - Retrieve the previous command line. Backward - Go backward one screen. CHAnge - Change a string within a field: CHANGE fieldname=/oldstring/newstring/,$ CHIld - Display child instances of this segment. DElete - Delete a segment instance, and all of its children. DIsplay - Display the segment containing the specified fieldname. End/FILe - Save all changes and exit FSCAN. FINd - Find an instance on this chain which satisfies a test: FIND fieldname EQ GT CO... value. FIRst - Go to the first instance on this chain. FOrward - Go forward one screen. Jump - Jump to the children of the next parent. LAst - Go to the last instance on this chain LEft - Go left one panel. LOcate - Same as FIND but search is throughout the database. Exit HELP: PF03/PF15. Forward: PF08/PF20. Backward: PF07/PF19. |
You can scroll HELP screens back and forth by pressing the PF8or PF20 key to go forward and the PF7 or PF19 key to go backward.
To exit the HELP facility, press the PF3 or PF15 key.
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