A user routine may be written to provide records to the FOCUS report writer from any non-standard data source that cannot be directly described to FOCUS using the Master File. The record, which can come from any data source, is treated by FOCUS exactly as if it had come from a FOCUS data source. The user routine must be coded as a subroutine in FORTRAN, COBOL, BAL, or PL/I, and must pass data to the FOCUS calling program through arguments in the subroutine.
The user program is loaded automatically by the report writer and is identified by the file suffix, in the Master File. For example, if the Master File contains:
FOCUS will load and call the program named MYREAD to obtain data whenever there is a TABLE, TABLEF, MATCH, or GRAPH command against file ABC.
The record returned to FOCUS must correspond to a segment instance in the Master File. The layout of the fields in this record corresponds to the ACTUAL formats specified in the Master File for each segment.
It is the responsibility of the user program to determine which segment to pass to FOCUS if the Master File contains more than one segment. FOCUS will traverse the hierarchy in a top-to-bottom, left-to-right sequence. If the user routine can anticipate which segment FOCUS expects to be given, the number of rejected segments will decrease and the retrieval efficiency will increase.
In FORTRAN, the subroutine MYREAD would be coded as follows
(Four byte integer) If LCHAR > 0, LCHAR is the number of characters in the record passed back to FOCUS. If LCHAR = 0, the user routine is telling FOCUS that an end-of-file has been encountered and the retrieval is complete. If LCHAR = -N, the user routine is telling FOCUS that the buffer contains an error message of length N, to be printed out, and that the user routine should not be called again. LCHAR = -1 is reserved for Information Builders' use.
This parameter is a 4096 byte buffer provided by FOCUS to receive the record from the user routine.
(Four byte integer) If the user routine puts data in BUF, OFFSET should be set to 0 each time the user routine is called. If the user routine provides its own buffer or buffers, OFFSET is the address of the user's buffer minus the address of BUF. A utility called IADDR is provided to compute an address. In FORTRAN, for example, one could code:
(Four byte integer) The number of the FOCUS segment corresponding to the record being presented to FOCUS, set by the routine. These numbers correspond to either the list obtained by issuing '? FILE filename' or the field SEGNO resulting from a CHECK FILE filename HOLD.
(Four byte integer) Flag set by FOCUS. If NERRX < 0, FOCUS is directing the user routine to shut down (for example, close all files) and not provide any more records. On return, FOCUS will not call the subroutine again.
Reserved for Information Builders' use.
(Four byte integer) FOCUS will reject any segment whose number (see RECTYP) is greater than or equal to IGNOR. IGNOR is set by FOCUS, based on the segments referenced in the request, but may be reset by the user routine.
Reserved for Information Builders. Use CVT.
The MYREAD object code, and any other routine that it calls, must be link-edited into a load module whose member name in the load library is MYREAD. This load library can be allocated as ddname USERLIB or concatenated with the STEPLIB program library.
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