Syntax Summary

In this section:

There are four environments in TED. Access these environments by issuing the following commands:


Function Keys

The following list shows the PF Key assignments in TED.



PF1, PF13

Displays the meaning of the keys and help information.


Inserts a line after the cursor.

PF3, PF15





REPEATs last command.


RECALLs last command.

PF7, PF19

Moves BACKWARD one full screen.

PF8, PF20

Moves FORWARD one full screen.


Moves to the LEFT one page.

PF11, PF23

Moves to the RIGHT one page.


Moves LEFT one character.

Prefix-Area Commands

The following commands can be issued in the prefix area of a TED file. To execute one, place the appropriate characters anywhere in the prefix area and press Enter.




Becomes current line.


Deletes block. Requires start and end lines.


Deletes n lines.


Moves block.


Inserts n lines.


Copies block. Requires start and end lines.


Inserts n lines.


Puts block into stack. Requires start and end lines.


Duplicates n times.


Duplicates block. Requires start and end lines.


Moves n lines.


Splits line (at cursor).


Copies n lines.


Joins line (at cursor).


Puts n lines into a temporary file.


Stores a block of lines in a temporary file and deletes it from a source file.


Puts n lines into stack.


Gets lines from stack.

Command Line Commands

These commands may be executed from the TED command line.

Note that uppercase letters in the following list indicate the shortest acceptable abbreviations.

Any command that is preceded by & remains on the command line and is not erased when the Enter key is pressed.



Add n

Adds n lines after current line.

BAckward n

Moves backward n pages.


Goes to bottom of file.

CAse m/u

Displays mixed upper/lowercase, uppercase.


Deletes line pointed to by cursor.

Change /old/new/n m

Changes old to new n times on m lines (or * *).


Inserts line after cursor.

COpy target1 target2

Copies from current line through target1 after target2.

CUrline n

Sets current line to specified line number.

DElete/target text

Deletes from current line up to the line with target text.

DELete n

Deletes n number of lines.

DOwn n

Moves forward n lines.

DUplicat n

Targets duplicates from current line until target n times.


Displays mode with five-character prefix area.

FIle ddname(member)

FIle name.ext

On z/OS, saves file as member.

On distributed systems, saves file as name.ext.

FILEName ddname (newmember)

FILEName filename.ext

On z/OS, changes the default member used for FILE and SAVE commands.

On distributed systems, changes the default file name used for FILE and SAVE commands.

FOrward n

Moves forward n pages.

Get ddname(member)

Get name.ext

On z/OS, gets a member or gets stack if DDNAME and member are not specified.

On distributed systems, gets a file or gets stack if the file name is not specified.


Retrieves the HELP file.

Input string

Inserts line after current line.


Joins line after cursor to cursor position.

LEft n

Moves one full screen to left n columns.


Moves one half screen to left.


Locates a string, search forwards.

LOWercas target

Sets print to lowercase from current line to target line.

MOve target1 target2

Moves block from current line to target1, after target2.

MVS command

Issues TSO command.

Next n

Moves forward n lines.


Sets up prefix area with numbers.

Overlay string

Overlays string on current line; existing text remains after end of string.


Paints the "nth" CRTFORM.

PFnn string

Sets PF key nn to the specified string.

Put n [filename]

Puts n lines to specified file.

PUTD n [filename]

See PUT, but lines are deleted.


Quits even if changes have been made. Changes are not recorded.


Quits if no changes have been made. Changes are not recorded.

RECover n

Recovers lines that were just deleted.

Replace string

Writes string on current line instead of existing text.


Resets to original mode; cancels pending prefix operations.

RIght n

Moves one full screen to the right or n columns.


Moves half a screen to the right.

RUn parameter

Files and executes FOCEXEC that is being edited along with the specified parameters.

SAve filename

Saves file.


Displays a scale at the top of the screen.


Splits line at cursor position and create a new line.

SPH [filename]

Splits screen horizontally.

SPLITH [filename]

Splits screen horizontally.

SPLITV [filename]

Splits screen vertically.

SPV [filename]

Splits screen vertically.


Submits TED image for batch execution.

TED ddname

TED name.ext

Edits another file on z/OS.

Edits another file on distributed systems.


Goes to top of file.

TSO command

Issues TSO command.


Sets mode to data display, no prefix area.

UNIX command

Issues a UNIX command.

Up n

Moves backward n lines.

UPPercas target

Sets print to uppercase from current line to target line.

- /string/

Performs a backward search.


Repeats last command.


Shows last command.

? n

Shows text of error message number n.

?F filename

Shows fields in file filename.

Information Builders