In this section: |
There are four environments in TED. Access these environments by issuing the following commands:
The following list shows the PF Key assignments in TED.
Key |
Action |
PF1, PF13 |
Displays the meaning of the keys and help information. |
PF2 |
Inserts a line after the cursor. |
PF3, PF15 |
QUITs. |
PF4 |
PF5 |
REPEATs last command. |
PF6 |
RECALLs last command. |
PF7, PF19 |
Moves BACKWARD one full screen. |
PF8, PF20 |
Moves FORWARD one full screen. |
PF10 |
Moves to the LEFT one page. |
PF11, PF23 |
Moves to the RIGHT one page. |
PF22 |
Moves LEFT one character. |
The following commands can be issued in the prefix area of a TED file. To execute one, place the appropriate characters anywhere in the prefix area and press Enter.
Command |
Action |
==/== |
Becomes current line. |
==DD= |
Deletes block. Requires start and end lines. |
==Dn= |
Deletes n lines. |
==MM= |
Moves block. |
==In= |
Inserts n lines. |
==CC= |
Copies block. Requires start and end lines. |
==An= |
Inserts n lines. |
==PP= |
Puts block into stack. Requires start and end lines. |
=="n= |
Duplicates n times. |
==""= |
Duplicates block. Requires start and end lines. |
==Mn= |
Moves n lines. |
==SP= |
Splits line (at cursor). |
==Cn= |
Copies n lines. |
==J== |
Joins line (at cursor). |
==Pn= |
Puts n lines into a temporary file. |
==PD= |
Stores a block of lines in a temporary file and deletes it from a source file. |
==PLn |
Puts n lines into stack. |
==G== |
Gets lines from stack. |
These commands may be executed from the TED command line.
Note that uppercase letters in the following list indicate the shortest acceptable abbreviations.
Any command that is preceded by & remains on the command line and is not erased when the Enter key is pressed.
Command |
Action |
Add n |
Adds n lines after current line. |
BAckward n |
Moves backward n pages. |
Bottom |
Goes to bottom of file. |
CAse m/u |
Displays mixed upper/lowercase, uppercase. |
CDel |
Deletes line pointed to by cursor. |
Change /old/new/n m |
Changes old to new n times on m lines (or * *). |
Inserts line after cursor. |
COpy target1 target2 |
Copies from current line through target1 after target2. |
CUrline n |
Sets current line to specified line number. |
DElete/target text |
Deletes from current line up to the line with target text. |
DELete n |
Deletes n number of lines. |
DOwn n |
Moves forward n lines. |
DUplicat n |
Targets duplicates from current line until target n times. |
Edit |
Displays mode with five-character prefix area. |
FIle ddname(member) FIle name.ext |
On z/OS, saves file as member. On distributed systems, saves file as name.ext. |
FILEName ddname (newmember) FILEName filename.ext |
On z/OS, changes the default member used for FILE and SAVE commands. On distributed systems, changes the default file name used for FILE and SAVE commands. |
FOrward n |
Moves forward n pages. |
Get ddname(member) Get name.ext |
On z/OS, gets a member or gets stack if DDNAME and member are not specified. On distributed systems, gets a file or gets stack if the file name is not specified. |
Help |
Retrieves the HELP file. |
Input string |
Inserts line after current line. |
Join |
Joins line after cursor to cursor position. |
LEft n |
Moves one full screen to left n columns. |
Moves one half screen to left. |
Locate/string/ |
Locates a string, search forwards. |
LOWercas target |
Sets print to lowercase from current line to target line. |
MOve target1 target2 |
Moves block from current line to target1, after target2. |
MVS command |
Issues TSO command. |
Next n |
Moves forward n lines. |
NUmber ON/OFF |
Sets up prefix area with numbers. |
Overlay string |
Overlays string on current line; existing text remains after end of string. |
Paints the "nth" CRTFORM. |
PFnn string |
Sets PF key nn to the specified string. |
Put n [filename] |
Puts n lines to specified file. |
PUTD n [filename] |
See PUT, but lines are deleted. |
QQuit |
Quits even if changes have been made. Changes are not recorded. |
Quit |
Quits if no changes have been made. Changes are not recorded. |
RECover n |
Recovers lines that were just deleted. |
Replace string |
Writes string on current line instead of existing text. |
RESet |
Resets to original mode; cancels pending prefix operations. |
RIght n |
Moves one full screen to the right or n columns. |
Moves half a screen to the right. |
RUn parameter |
Files and executes FOCEXEC that is being edited along with the specified parameters. |
SAve filename |
Saves file. |
SCale ON/OFF |
Displays a scale at the top of the screen. |
SPlit |
Splits line at cursor position and create a new line. |
SPH [filename] |
Splits screen horizontally. |
SPLITH [filename] |
Splits screen horizontally. |
SPLITV [filename] |
Splits screen vertically. |
SPV [filename] |
Splits screen vertically. |
SUBmit |
Submits TED image for batch execution. |
TED ddname TED name.ext |
Edits another file on z/OS. Edits another file on distributed systems. |
Top |
Goes to top of file. |
TSO command |
Issues TSO command. |
TYpe |
Sets mode to data display, no prefix area. |
UNIX command |
Issues a UNIX command. |
Up n |
Moves backward n lines. |
UPPercas target |
Sets print to uppercase from current line to target line. |
- /string/ |
Performs a backward search. |
= |
Repeats last command. |
? |
Shows last command. |
? n |
Shows text of error message number n. |
?F filename |
Shows fields in file filename. |
Information Builders |