Creating Synonyms for DB2 Data Sources. The AUTOSYN
facility creates synonyms (Master and Access Files) for existing
tables using RDBMS catalog definitions and user selections. All
data types supported by the adapter are available for the generated
Master Files.
Creating Indexes for an Existing Table. When you issue
a CREATE FILE command for a table, an index is created in the relational
DBMS for the primary key and for each index specified in the Access
File. If you want to create a table without creating all of the
indexes at that time, you can omit the index declarations from the
Access File and issue the CREATE FILE command to create only the
table and the index on the primary key. Then, at a later time, you
can add the index declarations to the Access File and issue the
CREATE FILE command with the INDEXESONLY phrase. The option of adding
the indexes later makes loading data into a relational table much
Optimization of Full Outer Joins. The FOCUS join command
and conditional join command now have a FULL OUTER join option.
Support for Discontiguous Key Definition in the Access File.
Key fields in the Master File can be listed in the order established
by the relational DBMS or in any order that is convenient. New
syntax is available that does not require reordering of the fields
in the Master File.
Optimization of Simplified Character Functions. The SUBSTRING, LTRIM,
RTRIM, TRIM_, CHAR_LENGTH, LOWER, POSITION, and UPPER simplified functions
are optimized to SQL.
Optimization of Simplified Date and Date-Time Functions. The
DTPART, DTRUNC, DTADD, and DTDIFF functions have been optimized
for SQL adapters, as reflected in the SQL Optimization Report.
Optimization of Legacy Character and Numeric Functions. The
TRIMV function with the L/B (left/both) option, TRIM, ARGLEN, and
POWER functions have been optimized.
Selectively Controlling FOCUS Function Optimization Through FEATOPT. The
optimization of some FOCUS features and functions can now be controlled
using the FEATOPT SET command. This enables users to switch off
SQL optimization for a particular function or feature when the optimization
might produce unsatisfactory results.
SQL SELECT statement with all the sources in the same relational
database can now be used with an ON TABLE HOLD AS name FORMAT SAME_DB
command. This uses the underlying database capabilities, such as
INSERT INTO ... SELECT, that provide much faster throughput than
alternative methods.
Full Synonym Support Added for SQL Strings. Synonyms
created for SQL strings without parameters can now be used in JOIN,
WHERE clause (passed to SQL), Aggregation (passed to SQL), and
as a result of the ON TABLE HOLD FORMAT SAME_DB (passed to SQL).
AUTOINCREMENT for PACK Fields Added. Surrogate Keys Support
has been enhanced and now includes fields defined with the PACK
data type. Therefore, auto-incrementing can now be assigned to PACK
data type fields.
Support for FOCUS Amper Variables as SQL String Parameters. The ability
to run a request against a synonym for an SQL string has been enhanced
to allow the parameterization of the SQL string using Dialogue Manager
global variables. After the synonym has been created against the
relational adapter where the SQL will be processed, global variables
can be added to the source SQL file.
Truncate Table Added to Existing Table. A new Prior to
Load option has been added for existing tables in DB2 on Windows,
UNIX, and zSeries platforms. The Truncate Table target property
removes all rows from the target table without logging.
Optimize the DEDIT and DSUBSTR Functions. The FOCUS
functions, DEDIT and DSUBSTR with character arguments, are optimized
to various native SQL character functions. This has been implemented
for most SQL Adapters. These functions are designed to be used in
multi-byte environments instead of the EDIT and SUBSTRING functions.
Optimize the EDIT Function of Integer Arguments. The
FOCUS function EDIT with an INTEGER argument has been optimized
to various SQL native numeric functions. This is implemented for
most SQL Adapters.
Optimization of POWER Scalar Function. The Auto-Passthru
mode takes advantage of the ability to translate the POWER function
for most engines, such as DB2, Sybase, Oracle, Teradata, Microsoft
SQL Server, MySQL, Sand Analytical Server (formerly Nucleus), Informix,
Redbrick, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Ingres, IDMS, Postgres,
Progress, Cache, Netezza, and SQL1010.
Optimizing the UPCASE and LOCASE Functions. Most SQL
Adapters will optimize the UPPER and LOWER case function to their
RDBMS SQL counterparts.
[RANKED] BY HIGHEST n [TOTAL] Optimization. Some SQL
Adapters, such as Teradata, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Sybase,
analytical functions RANK() or DENSE_RANK() with subsequent filtering
by means of a QUALIFY clause (if supported), or an outer SELECT
with a WHERE clause on the RANK value.
SUBSTR and SUBSTV Optimization. The SUBSTR and SUBSTV
FOCUS functions have been optimized to their native SQL counterparts
for most SQL Adapters.
Subquery Supported in SELECT, WHERE, and HAVING Clauses. A
SQL subquery (query within a query) can be used in several places
in the SQL Select statement, including a from list, as well as in
a WHERE clause or a HAVING clause.
Synonym Column Name Limit Increased. Synonym processing
has been enhanced to support column names of up to 128 characters.
Adapter for Adabas Support for Multiple SVCs and Logical Names. The Adapter
for Adabas supports the Logical name to help identify the particular
set of connection attributes defining connections to the same or
different databases. This feature significantly enhances adapter
flexibility by allowing access to databases with different SVCs
and releases through the same adapter.
SQL.Function Syntax for Direct DBMS Function Calls. The
SQL adapters can pass virtual fields that call certain SQL scalar
functions to the relational engine for processing. This enables
you to use SQL functions in a request even when they have no equivalent
in the FOCUS language. The function must be row-based and have a parameter
list that consists of a comma-delimited list of column names or
constants. In order to reference the function in an expression,
prefix the function name with SQL. If the virtual field is in the
Master File, both TABLE requests and those SQL requests that qualify
for Automatic Passthru (APT) can access the field. If the virtual
field is created by a DEFINE FILE command, TABLE requests can access
the field. The function name and parameters are passed without translation
to the relational engine.
Version 7.7.03
Aggregation of Boolean Expressions. The relational
adapters optimize FOCUS Boolean expressions as SQL CASE expressions.
Capture of Data Definition Language While Using the CREATE FILE Command. You
can capture the SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) generated during
a CREATE FILE command in an external file called filename.sql.
can be sent directly to an SQL engine as long as all expressions
used in the function can be optimized.
Optimization of DATEADD and HADD Functions for YEAR and MONTH. The
relational adapters now translate the DATEADD and HADD FOCUS functions
to their SQL counterparts. The year/month calculations are optimized
as an ADD_MONTHS() SQL function that will be processed by the DBMS
engine. This is implemented for Oracle, DB2, Teradata, Sybase IQ,
and MySQL.
IF-THEN-ELSE Optimization Enhancement. IF-THEN-ELSE
optimization has been enhanced.
The default OPTIFTHENELSE setting
is set to ON:
setting optimizes all relational adapter IF-THEN-ELSE FOCUS expressions
as CASE or DECODE SQL expressions.
DSN3SATH Support for CA-ACF2. The Adapter for DB2 supports
primary and secondary authorization security checking for DSN3SATH.
Passing the Exact Number of Trailing Blanks to the DBMS. All
relational adapters have been enhanced to pass character constants
from the initial TABLE request to the database unchanged, without
truncating trailing spaces.
Capturing Rows Affected by DPT SQL Passthru Commands as Dialogue Manager Variables. The
&ROWSAFFECTED variable is populated with the number of rows
affected by the following DPT DML commands: INSERT, UPDATE, and
Passing the Equivalent of FOCUS PCT to the SQL Engine. The
relational adapters optimize aggregation in the presence of the
FOCUS PCT function (which has no direct SQL counterparts) to SQL
Using the DPART Function in SQL Generation. A new DPART
FOCUS function, which extracts a specified component from a date
field and returns it in numeric format, can be passed to SQL for
improved performance.
Optimization of the HPART, DPART, HDIFF, HDATE, and DATEDIF Functions. The
relational adapters can translate certain calls to the HPART, DPART,
HDIFF, HDATE, and DATEDIF functions to SQL date and time functions,
allowing optimization of some TABLE requests with DEFINE fields
that call these functions.
Passing Virtual Fields Defined as Constants to an SQL Engine. A
virtual field defined as a constant is passed directly to an SQL
database engine (RDBMS) for optimized processing that takes advantage
of RDBMS join, sort, and aggregation capabilities.
Improved Error Diagnostics in Expression Generation. Diagnostic messages
and tracing for aggregation functions, DB-lookup of SQL tables,
and Cluster join structures that explain SQL statement generation
have been improved.
CAF Support for SQL Statements With Lengths Greater Than 32K. Supports
IBM’s increased length of SQL statements from 32K to 2MB.
Surrogate Keys Support. FOCUS supports DB2 IDENTITY columns
as surrogate keys using FIELDTYPE=R (read-only) in the Master File
and three attributes in the Access File.
Support of Multirow-Fetch for DB2 (CAF). The FETCHSIZE
value is the number of rows to be retrieved at once using array
retrieval techniques for the CLI adapter or a cursor with Rowset
positioning and multirow Fetch for the CAF adapter. Accepted values
are 1 to 32000. The default is 100. If the result set contains a
column that has to be processed as a CLOB or a BLOB, the FETCHSIZE
value used for that result set is 1.
Support Added for Release 8 Extended Adabas Control Block (ACBX). The
Adapter for Adabas supports the Extended Adabas Control Block (ACBX),
introduced by SoftwareAG in Adabas 8.
Adapter for Adabas: Support for Record Buffers Larger Than 32K. The Adapter
for Adabas can read Adabas record buffers that are longer then 32K
when processing MU/PE (simple PE only) fields.
Adapter for Adabas: Support for LA and W Fields. Support
has been added for the following Adabas 8 data types: LA fields
(native Adabas CLOB data) and Unicode fields in W format.