If your application accesses dates that contain an explicit century, the century is accepted as is. Your application can run correctly across centuries, and you do not need to use the sliding window technique.
If your application accesses dates without explicit centuries, they assume the default value 19. Your application will require remediation, such as the sliding window technique, to ensure the correct interpretation of the century if the default is not valid, and to run as expected in the next century.
This topic does not cover remediation options such as date expansion, which requires that data be changed in the data source to accommodate explicit century values. For a list of Information Builders documentation on remediation, see your latest Publications Catalog.
This topic covers the use of the sliding window technique in reporting applications. Details on when to use the sliding window technique are provided later in this topic. It also includes reference information on the use of the technique with FOCUS MODIFY requests. For additional information on implementing this technique with Maintain, see your database maintenance documentation the Maintaining Databases manual. References to MODIFY and Maintain apply only to Developer Studio.
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