Diagnosing Installation Problems

If the FOCUS Terminal Operator Environment screen does not appear, the MSO installer should follow the steps below to help determine what went wrong:

  1. If the MSO job stays up, bring it down (using MSOKILL or by using the operator command P jobname or by canceling it). Look at the job output, and make sure that MSO initialization commenced by looking at the MSO log messages. Usually, MSOPRINT is allocated to SYSOUT=* and thus log messages appear on the job output. After the messages appear, the initial FOCUS loads occur. When these are done, the message that the initial loads are complete is put into the log. If these two messages appear, MSO has initialized without error.
  2. Bring up MSO without authorization. Copying the FOCLIB library into a non-authorized data set does this. Without authorization, the MSO users inherit the authorization of the MSO job. If MSO now works, there is a problem with the security system at the site.
  3. For VTAM sites where the IBI logon screen does not appear, and yet MSO initialized properly, cut a VTAM trace of all messages going to the MSO APPLID and call the Customer Support Hotline at 1-800-736-6130.
  4. If TSO is available, bring up MSO again and try logging on as a TSO user. The message that a user is logging on should appear in the log. If it does not, then the communications data sets for the TSO user and the MSO job are probably different.
  5. If the message does appear, but the Terminal Operator Environment screen for the TSO user does not, then both MSO and the user may not have correct access to the communications data sets. Verify that MSO has read/write access to both communications data sets (this can be done by attempting to edit the communications data sets from the MSO ID). All MSO users must have read access to these data sets, as well.

    If the TSO Terminal Operator Environment screen appears and the CICS Terminal Operator Environment screen does not, then the problem is associated with the definitions of the CICS programs and transactions. Make sure the CICS user has security access to all the MSO transactions and check the CICS parts of the installation procedure again.

    A common error with the installation of the CICS transactions is incorrectly linking the MSO programs with the CICS command level stubs. These errors cause ASRA and AEY8 abends as soon as the MSO transaction is initiated.

  6. If the CICS region is not large enough, the MSO transactions may not work properly.
  7. Also, make sure that OSCOR is large enough if applicable. MSO needs at least 165K of OSCOR over existing needs.

  8. If a large number of MSO users log on, the 32M OS390 virtual memory default limit (in the IBM IEFUSI exit) may cause an S106 abend. In this case, the default limit must be increased by MVS systems personnel.

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