MSO Security

MSO can be used with or without an external security package such as RACF, CA-TOP SECRET, or CA-ACF2. If no security package is being used, all the users in a given MSO region inherit whatever security is in effect for the MSO job or started task. Thus, if the MSO job cannot access any file, neither can any MSO user; if the MSO job can access all files, so too can all the users under MSO.

In this section:

RACF Security for MSO

CA-ACF2 Security for MSO

CA-TOP SECRET Security for MSO

MSO supports user-level security via IBM's System Authorization Facility, or SAF. MSO issues a SAF macro that creates an ACEE control block for each user task as the user logs onto MSO. The userid of the user is inserted into this ACEE, and it is this userid that dictates which resources the FOCUS task can access. After this ACEE is created, whenever the user's FOCUS task attempts to access system resources (usually data sets), SAF issues a call to whatever security package is installed at the site.

The userid inserted into the ACEE is actually the security ID that results when the MSIDTR userid translation exit is called. A site can thus have different security IDs from logon userids using MSIDTR. If a site does not use MSIDTR, then the logon userid is used for the security ID as well.

For VTAM access into MSO, two security checks may be done: first, a check is made that the logon userid and password are authorized, and once this is done, the security ID (SECID) may be changed via MSIDTR mentioned above. This new SECID must then be checked again. The first check can be bypassed if a site chooses to implement the MSIDVER user exit. More information on the MSIDVER exit is available in MSO Features and Components.

In order for user-level security to work, the following must be true:

The following flow chart shows how these security calls are made for a FOCUS MSO user:

    A TSO or CICS                                       A VTAM user
Logon Userid |
| Is MSIDVER present? -------> yes
| no |
| | |
| Issue VERIFY call for Call
| userid and password MSIDVER
| | |
| |<-------------------+
| |
+------------------> <------------------------------+
Is MSIDTR present? ---------------> yes
no |
| Call
| |
Issue VERIFY call for SECID
(may not be needed for VTAM users)
Issue APPL call for applid for VTAM users
Issue PROGRAM call for VTAM users for FOCUS

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