Using TED to Edit or Isolate the COBOL FD

Follow these steps, which describe basic TED operations, to edit or isolate the COBOL FD. Refer to online help for full TED capabilities. You may get help for the TED editor at any time by pressing the PF1 key twice or by typing HELP on the command line.

  1. In the area on the Translator menu titled COBOL FD Name, enter the name of an existing COBOL FD or a name where you wish to create an isolated COBOL FD.
  2. To edit the COBOL FD, press the PF5 key. To edit text, use the cursor and tab keys to move around the screen. Press the PF7 and PF8 keys to scroll backwards and forwards, respectively. To make changes, type over existing text, insert new text, or use the following commands:
  3. If you want to delete the entire contents of an existing file, type the following two commands on the command line, pressing the Enter key after each one:

    DELETE *

    To copy a COBOL program or FD into the TED editor, type

    GET filename


    Is the name of the COBOL FD to retrieve.

    MVS: Filename is the fully-qualified dataset name, enclosed in single quotes. The dataset name must include a member if the dataset is partitioned.


    VM/CMS: Filename is the file name, file type, and file mode of the COBOL FD to retrieve

    To delete lines from a COBOL FD, first turn on the prefix area of the editor, if it is not already on, by typing the following on the command line:


    You then have two options:

    To delete a single line, type D in the prefix area for that line.

    To delete blocks of lines, type DD in the prefix area of the first line, scroll to the last line of the block, and type DD in its prefix area. Press the Enter key to complete the process.

  4. You have two options for saving:
  5. To save your changes and return to the Translator menu, type the following on the command line and press the Enter key:


    To save your changes and remain in the editor, type the following on the command line and press the Enter key:

  6. To exit the TED editor without making any changes, press the PF3 key.
  7. To end the TED session at any time after making changes, type the following on the command line and press the Enter key:


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