Data Set Naming Conventions

The library data set names shown here are the names used on the distribution tape. You must use standard names as the lower level qualifiers for the data sets and add high-level qualifiers appropriate for your installation. You can add high-level prefixes to differentiate between test and production libraries, or between different FOCUS releases.

The standard names are used in all of the documentation relating to the z/OS version of FOCUS, and also in the JCL distributed with FOCUS maintenance tapes. You cannot maintain FOCUS unless you follow the suggested naming conventions.

The production versions of the execution time library FOCLIB.LOAD should be named


These names will be embedded in many JCL procedures and TSO CLISTs. You can switch releases without disturbing your users by renaming these data sets. Using this scheme, the production version of the FOCUS load library would be named


All other libraries, including test versions of the three execution time libraries, could be named




Version number


Release number

For example, the maintenance library for FOCUS Version 7.6 Release 00 would be named


Information Builders