Test the Generated Version of FOCUS

This step tests the version of FOCUS residing on the maintenance disk in the smallest virtual machine on which it can run.

  1. Define the minimum operational virtual machine (see Features and Components).
  2. IPL CMS.
  3. Release all CMS disks except the production disk, the maintenance disk and the CMS system disks. The maintenance disk must be accessed as A, in READ/WRITE mode.
  4. Enter FOCUS.

    Enter FOCUS by executing the CMS EXEC named FOCUS:


    FOCUS is always entered using this CMS EXEC, which is created by the GENFS EXEC, which inserts your FOCUS segment name. When FOCUS is entered it displays the release banner. You should see a single caret (>).

  5. Test the terminal I/O.

    Press Enter without typing anything else, not even a blank. The response you should receive is simply the word FOCUS.

  6. Execute the FOCUS test procedure.

    Issue the following command:


    This test FOCEXEC runs through the major test areas and prints reassuring messages if all is well. Press Enter (in full-screen mode) and CLEAR to page through the test. The end of this short test is signaled by the message:


    You can return to the CMS command level by issuing the FOCUS command FIN when you receive the above message.

  7. Read online release information.

    Release statistics, installation and operation changes, program temporary fix (PTF) information, and release notes are available online. To view the online release information, issue the following command from the FOCUS prompt:


    This FOCEXEC allows you to choose to see a list of PTFs applied, Installation information, and New Features.

Information Builders