Error Messages and Troubleshooting

This appendix contains information about finding and generating data adapter error messages and troubleshooting data adapter problems.

From time to time you may experience problems using your CA-IDMS Data Adapter. In order to address your data adapter issues and concerns specifically, please check for the following conditions:

  • Can you reproduce your problem outside of IDMS in a sequential or FOCUS data source?
  • Did you call the data adapter? If there was an error message in the 44xx through 45xx series, a data adapter error was produced. What is the response code?
  • If no error messages were produced, ensure that the IDMS.DATA library for MVS is allocated correctly to the ddname ERRORS. This library contains the member FOCIDMS, which lists the data adapter error messages. For CMS, be sure that the FOCIDMS ERRORS file is accessible.

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