FOCUS User Aids

A number of easy-to-use facilities are available to FOCUS users across command environment boundaries. These user tools include various query subjects that reveal the current state of the FOCUS environment and facilities for setting the parameters that control the various command environments. Additionally, there is a facility for establishing your own translation table to create substitute command words for some or all of the FOCUS keywords.

FOCLOG is a tool for recording and analyzing FOCUS use for your entire site. It comes packaged with a set of standard analytical reports that allow you to interrogate FOCUS usage—identify usage spikes and redundancies, detect large report requests, analyze time-of-day usage trends, and monitor ad hoc versus scheduled requests for each user. It even allows you to analyze the environmental conditions of the query such as use of joins, cross references, combines, MSO or SU. In addition, it collects and reports on statistics such as the number of data rows extracted and number of lines on the report output.

FOCREPLAY is a tool that enables you to record your keystrokes when executing an interactive FOCUS application and play them back at some time in the future.

There are also utilities for performing a variety of data source handling tasks: initializing data sources, concatenating them, rebuilding data sources and their indexes, joining data sources together, and transferring data sources from the mainframe to a personal computer.

You may run a FOCUS session by selecting options from menus in window-based shells:

For information about the FOCUS Menu and the FOCUS Toolkit, see the Guide to Operations chapter for your site's operating system.

The following product developed in FOCUS is designed for special use:

Information Builders